Jiimarishe APHIA Rift has for past 5 years contributed to the reduction of new HIV infections among students in institutions of higher learning within the Rift Valley. Through funding from USAID under the APHIA PLUS Nuru ya Bonde, Jiimarishe APHIA Rift seeks to increase access to HIV & AIDS prevention information, commodities and services through Peer Education trainings, Sister to Sister sessions and integrated Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) service outreache
Project Goal
The goal of the project is to reduce risky behaviour in sexual and reproductive health among youth in tertiary and institutions of higher learning and their social networks in the surrounding communities.
Project Objectives
- To reduce risky behaviour among 14,000 at risk youth (aged 18 – 29) in tertiary and higher learning institutions in Rift Valley by December 2015.
- To mobilize 6,000 young people to take up SRH services and provide accurate and relevant health information by December 2015.
- To increase proportion of YPLHIV among target groups accessing a minimum package of Prevention with Positives by 100 and link them to health facility and community structures by December 2015.
- To strengthen linkages with existing health institutions structures and committees in HIV and AIDS by December 2015.
- Reached 45,441 at risk girls with Sister to Sister (S2S) EBI
- More than 1,500 youth tested and received their HIV results
- Trained 24 S2S facilitators
The project is implemented in Laikipia, Narok and Nakuru counties
Our Partners
- FHI360
- APHIA Plus Nuru ya Bonde