
The Project

Jielimishe GEC Project was a big refuge for girls like Mary. She informed us that since JGEC began the sanitary towels support in her school, she has been receiving sanitary towels. Her life then took a dramatic change for the better.

“I can now concentrate in class, I find no reason to miss classes during my periods, I can stand in front of my classmates and solve a math problem, I have developed a love for soccer, and I can do all of this without thinking of my period when they arrive,” she confidently told us. Mary attends school all through the month, including the days she is on her periods, added her mother. Her confidence has grown and self-esteem boosted.

A promising soccer player, Mary informed us that she just changes into her games kit and squares it out at the field and she enjoys dribbling against her opponents, especially the boys. “I have developed a love for soccer, and I can do all of this without thinking of my periods when they arrive,” she confidently told us

Her mother says that Mary’s self-esteem has been boosted, compared to the days she would spend in bed in low moods. Mary has taken upon herself to give sermons to fellow students and she also engages in peer counselling. She has become a darling to the village’s young children, who often mill around her every time she is around her home. She has also expressed her passion in children’s Christian ministry: she has attended a camp to become a Sunday school teacher.

Mary’s mother testifies that this programme is responsible for this improvement. Provision of the towels, counselling and training offered and constant assurance from her mother transformed Mary from sleeping her periods away, into an active school pupil. In her last test, she scored 333 out of 500, emerging the top in her class. Once ranked 10th, with 271 out of 500, she is now the best student in her class. This affirms Jielimishe GEC’s value on Sanitary Towels as the simple route to keeping girls in school and improving their learning.

Mary’s teacher said, “according to the school registers, majority of the adolescent girls in the school miss between 3-4 days in a month, during which they are experiencing their monthly periods. Before the introduction of Jielimishe GEC project, the school reported irregular attendance and/or absenteeism of up to 102 girls on a monthly basis. But with provision of sanitary towels the school has observed improved attendance as indicated by school registers”.

Mary would like to join Starehe Girls’ Center when she completes her primary school education. She wishes to be a teacher when she grows up so that she can inspire and educate children. She also has a passion for computing and she can’t wait to start learning using the laptops donated to her school by Jielimishe GEC Project.