ICL aims to support farmers in engaging in market informed production and support them in obtaining accessible and affordable financial products and services.
ICL supports farmers to engage in market informed production.
The primary objective of the SACCOs is to mobilize savings and afford members access to appropriate financial products and services on competitive terms as a way of enhancing their livelihoods.
Over the last decade, financial inclusion (banking for the poor) has made its way into the centre stage of development policy with a common understanding that financial access is a powerful means of reducing poverty.
A reliable and affordable microcredit company, supporting the growth of small scale and medium enterprises in the growth of their businesses through convenient short-term financing and entrepreneurship training.
MSHAHARA LOAN- This is a loan product that is available to employees of an organization with a signed MoU with us provided there is proof of salary payment for the next 3-months.
This project targets to Economically Empower the parents and students
Slogan: Increasing life opportunities for youth!