
Marketing Linkages


ICL aims to support farmers in engaging in market informed production and support them in obtaining accessible and affordable financial products and services.

Focus Areas:

  1. Market Linkages through contract farming
  2. Farmer trading groups and produce collection centers
  3. Linkage with credible suppliers of farm inputs
  4. Cooperative Development (SACCOS)
  5. Jiinue Credit
  6. Table Banking 


Access to formal financial services has remained a big challenge to the poor population in Kenya. Given that the poor population is characterized by low, irregular and unreliable income levels, they are often unattractive to the formal financial providers.
  1. Market Linkage- Contract farming with BIDCO for Sunflower and Fresh Fries for Onion production.
  2. Linkage to credible suppliers of Farm Inputs- Pannar Seeds (K) Ltd for Sunflower seeds and Amiran Kenya for Onion hybrid seeds.
  3. Over 1,000 micro- enterprises linked to affordable short term loans in Jiinue Credit Company Ltd.
  4. Established of a community owned Sacco – Tujinue Pamoja Sacco in Machakos County with over 300 members accessing affordable financial products.

ICL supports farmers to engage in market informed production.


  1. Partnership with buyers to allow market informed production (contract farming )
  2. Establishment of produce collection centers to allow bulking of produce and consequently attract buyers. This increase their bargaining power
  3. Increased access to market information on price trends, demand and supply which informs production.


  1. Guaranteed demand for the produce through contract farming
  2. Collective marketing which attract buyers allowing for a higher bargaining power


  1. Contract farming by Dagara Farmers in Laikipia County through BIDCO as the Marketer
  2. Partnership with Pannar Kenya Seeds Ltd for supply of Sunflower seeds
  3. BIDCO providing the market for sunflower produce

The primary objective of the SACCOs is to mobilize savings and afford members access to appropriate financial products and services on competitive terms as a way of enhancing their livelihoods.

Over the last decade, financial inclusion (banking for the poor) has made its way into the centre stage of development policy with a common understanding that financial access is a powerful means of reducing poverty.


  1. Training on financial literacy
  2. Savings from Members


  1. Support the community in the process of registration of the Sacco and development of Bi-laws
  2. Support in appointment and training of the Sacco officials
  3. Members’ access to savings products
  4. Members’ access to affordable loan products
  5. Support the Sacco to carry out membership drives to increase membership


  1. Mysiani community- Tujinue Pamoja Savings and Credit Society

A reliable and affordable microcredit company, supporting the growth of small scale and medium enterprises in the growth of their businesses through convenient short-term financing and entrepreneurship training.

  1. CHAP CHAP LOAN-This is a loan product accessed via a mobile phone to meet short-term needs. It is fast and instant after approval. Money is transferred directly to your M-Pesa account.
  2. MSHAHARA LOAN- This is a loan product that is available to employees of an organization with a signed MoU with us provided there is proof of salary payment for the next 3-months.

  3. BIASHARA LOAN- A loan given to business start-ups; small and medium scale, to enable them to expand their business operations.

This project targets to Economically Empower the parents and students

Slogan: Increasing life opportunities for youth!