
Employers’ Challenge Project

I Choose Life – Africa (ICL) recognizes that workforce development and networking amongst the stakeholders provides enormous employment opportunities for the youth in universities/colleges and out of school which holds the key to unlocking the growing youth unemployment challenges in the country. ICL with financial and technical support from Microsoft and UNDP is implementing the employers challenge initiative in Laikipia and Taita Taveta Counties.

Project Goal
The overall goal of this project is to mobilize Kenyan based employers to commit their companies to provide opportunities for youth, and to raise youth’s awareness of the opportunities and resources available online.

Project Objectives

  1. To encourage learning and sharing of experiences on best practice approaches for companies to support youth – and build their talent pool.
  2. To increase the number and quality of apprenticeship, internship skills building programs and job opportunities offered by companies based in Kenya.
  3. To foster employer engagement and raise awareness & capacities of companies to design and implement successful internship and skills building programs.
  4. To challenge the engagement and commitment of employers to provide Kenyan youth with opportunities for internship, apprenticeship and job placement.

