


The search for jobs & opportunities by graduates on one hand and skills & competencies by employers that match their needs on the other hand is an everyday dilemma that Chuo2Kazi seeks to address. Focus Area
The goal is to bridge the gap between students and the labour market by connecting them to opportunities through:

  1. CV writing and screening
  2. Career Boot camps
  3. Internships
  4. Mentorship
  5. E-Learning

About Chuo2Kazi
Chuo2Kazi is a platform that is acting as the medium between students, schools & institutions of higher learning and job opportunities by offering internship and mentoring opportunities for students to effectively transition from schools to work by acquiring and developing transferable skills and work culture in the labour market.

The product is aimed at equipping the participants in the chuo2kazi get resumes which is marketable. The key markets are the chuo2kazi participants in the various colleges. The procedure for the CV screen involve:

  1. Sending an online Cv for review at
  2. Making payment for the CV
  3. Completed CV is emailed back to the client in 3 days after receipt of payments
  4. The total cost for review is kshs 250.

Career boot camp is a one day workshop aimed at assisting students in developing employability skills in the different areas. The program targets finalist in colleges and fresh graduates who are yet to start work. Our career boot camps are organized in liaison with universities and colleges placement/ career offices in the different institutions and organizations. The career boot camp curriculum entails:

  1. Strategic career path training
  2. Resume training
  3. Interview skills tips
  4. Job searching strategies
  5. Emotional intelligence
  6. Time management skills

Internship program aims at improving transition and completion rates of young people in school. Students get hands on exposure to a working environment under rotate under different department going through a structured program to ensure that they acquire optimal skills and knowledge in that department for the assigned duration.

The target group consists of fresh graduates and college graduates seeking internships for academic purposes attached for 3 months. Throughout the internship, the interns receive mentorships from the attached supervisor. Upon completion interns are given letters of recommendation and revamped CV to assist them in Job placements.

Interns are attached to the following fields and departments

  1. Project Management
  2. Monitoring and Evaluation
  3. Project Finance, Planning, Budgeting and Reporting
  4. Administration and Procurement
  5. Resource mobilization; proposal development
  6. Entrepreneurship skills training and field
  7. Field exposure (Health Programs)
  8. Communication and Marketing
  9. Business enterprise /development
  10. Human Resource Management

E-learning aims at equipping participant for professional development in wide range of field. ICL partners with global universities to offer a 3 month training and certification. The product targets students as well as professionals.

Course includes but not limited

  1. Principle standard for research in HIV
  2. Certificate in M&E

Programs under our employability program (Chuo2kazi) include:

  1. CV writing and screening
  2. Career Boot camps
  3. Internships
  4. Mentorship
  5. E-Learning


  1. Connects Youth to Jobs
  2. Increases the skills match with Corporate world

Chuo2Kazi serves to

  1. Improve the quality of students who transition from tertiary institutions to the labour market through a 3month internship program
  2. Facilitate students in making decision regarding their careers through placements, CV Screening and interviews skills
  3. Improve competency and relevance of education by impacting students with practical job skills.

Our Clients

  • Students
  • Graduates
  • MSH
  • PSK
  • University Of Washington
  • Taita Taveta County
  • Laikipia County
  • Uasin Gishu County