
Digital Literacy (IC3)


The Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) is the world’s first validated, standards-based training and certification program for basic computing and Internet knowledge and skills.

Focus Areas: Digital Literacy

IC3 validates basic knowledge and ability to use computer hardware, software, and the Internet productively. It is the ideal certification for anyone that wants to demonstrate critical computer and Internet skills valued in today’s academic and professional environments. Because digital literacy is vital to the success in both of these endeavors, Internet and Computing Core Certification (IC3) is the perfect credential for both traditional and non-traditional students as well as employees.

The IC3 Digital Literacy Certification is a global standard that provides candidates with the foundational knowledge they need to succeed in every environment that requires the use of computers and the Internet. Individuals who are certified in IC3 are qualified to meet the technical requirements that are needed for an entry level employee or first-year college student.

Addresses several new concepts common to digital literacy, such as:

  1. Social media
  2. Collaboration
  3. Digital devices
  4. Research fluency
  5. Critical thinking
  6. Cloud computing


  1. It is a standard for basic digital literacy
  2. It covers a broad range of computing knowledge and skills
  3. It proves competency in three areas namely Computing Fundamentals, Key Applications, and Living Online.


  1. Motivates students in their learning due to their enjoyment and ease of use with various technological mediums.
  2. Reaches students of various learning styles. Technology use applies to and compliments
  3. Allows students to create and design their own unique products reflective of their personalities and learning needs/styles.
  4. Encourages students to manipulate media to construct their own meaning.
  5. Enables students to easy share their learning with teachers, families and peers.
  6. Gives students the chance to explore technological mediums which in inevitable increase job skills that employers look for in the workforce.


  1. Virtual Learning Solutions (VLS)
  2. Certiport
  3. Taita Taveta County

Click here to download the registration form.