The SEAL (Sexual reproductive health, Economic empowerment, Academic and career mentoring, Leadership and governance) project was initiated in 2009 in Nairobi County and later expanded to two other counties i.e. Machakos and Uasin Gishu counties. Currently the project is being implemented in Nairobi, Machakos, & Uasin Gishu counties with prospects of expanding to Turkana in 2016.

The project seeks to meet the Sexual Reproductive Health needs of secondary school students through addressing the social determinants of health i.e. education and poverty. Embedded in the project is the human rights based approach to programming and advocacy for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in schools. The expected outcomes of the project is reduced teenage pregnancies, increase in age of sexual debut and reduction in rates of HIV incidence among the school going population. The primary target population for this project is secondary school students while the secondary targets are the school boards of management, parents, and teachers as life skills promoters.
Project Goal The project seeks to improve reproductive health outcomes for young people in secondary schools through a holistic approach that addresses social determinants of health
Project Objectives
- To improve reproductive health for young people in a rural setting through adoption and implementation of the holistic approach
- To enhance sustainability of the holistic model in Nairobi to enable continued improvement of reproductive health outcomes for young people in secondary school.
- To Improve reproductive health of secondary school students through inclusion (Advocacy) of CSE in the school curriculum – this is being implemented through the Jiimarishe UNFPA project that focuses on reproductive health of adolescents and youth.
- To enhance entrepreneurship and innovation in high school curriculum nationally.
- To Increase the roles of citizens and communities within 3 Counties (Machakos, Nairobi and Uasin Gishu) in shaping their developmental agendas through development and facilitating implementation of community led strategic plans within the counties.

- Successfully developed and implemented the triple Helix model that combined all aspects of development (SEAL) with key stakeholders that include government, universities and cooperate
- Trained more than 720 peer educators in 75 schools who have in turn reached approximately 14,400 young people aged 14-18 years with behavior change communication activities through small groups, one on one, and thematic events
- Trained over 180 teachers have been empowered to deliver quality life skills sessions to students
- Up to 720 parents have been trained in parent-child communication and entrepreneurship,
- Through the projects leadership, governance and advocacy efforts, 3 ward strategic plans have been developed and launched
- Participated in the development of guidelines on age appropriate comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST)
The SEAL project is implemented in Machakos, Nairobi and Uasin Gishu Counties
Our Partners
- Children Mission/Devent
- Economic Projects Transformational Facility (EPTF)