
Jiimarishe WRP Project

The Jiimarishe WRP Project has contributed to the reduction of HIV prevalence and incidence in Bomet, Kericho and Nandi counties by targeting Female sex workers (FSW), truckers and women aged 15-24 years with different EBI interventions. These interventions included Peer education (PE), Respect Kenya (RK) and Sister to Sister (S2S).

Project Goal The project seeks to achieve primary prevention of HIV infection and improving support to Persons Living with HIV and AIDS. Project Objectives

  1. To increase skills-based HIV training for young people
  2. To facilitate positive community discourse on HIV and AIDS
  3. To reinforce the role of parents and other protective influences in the community
  4. To improve knowledge and practice of preventive measures relating to HIV among the general population, MARPs, and Vulnerable populations
  5. To foster a community planning and implementation process that encourages inclusion and parity among community members


  1. Reached more than 21,700 young people with HIV prevention BCC using Peer Education, Respect Kenya and over 3,380 with MARP intervention
  2. Tested and gave results to 8,204 new HIV testers and 2,561 repeat HIV testers
  3. Reached over 330 key populations (191 commercial sex workers and 144 truckers) with HIV prevention messages and commodities

The project covers: Nandi, Kericho Bomet counties

Our Partners
PEPFAR CDC through Walter Reed Project