
Peer Education

Introduction: ICL recognizes that SRH is more than simply what individual people experience. SRH is shaped by factors at different levels of society, such as laws that affect what we do, social factors such as poverty, community norms, and what services are available to young people. In order to improve SRH, ICL considers, and acts on, the drivers of sexual and reproductive ill health. I Choose Life- Africa (ICL) implements a 360 degrees integrated BCC approach which focuses on mid mass media and Interpersonal communications (IPC).Mid-mass media activities include: thematic events within the colleges, SRH drive activations in the colleges and communities and distribution of IEC materials. IPC activities include: Peer education training, Behaviour Change Communication groups and one on one sessions through door to door visits.

Through networking with the other partners to provide integrated SRH services like HIV counseling and Testing, FP counseling and provision of FP commodities, breast and cervical cancer screening, linkages for care and treatment, and technical support. Service delivery at health facilities has been improved through training of service providers through the MoH on youth friendly service provision and strengthening commodity supply such as FP commodities and HTC kits. Institutions peer educators, CHVs and HTC counsellors mobilize and reach the young people linking them to the services and condom distribution. Strategies to provide these services are done through outreaches (health drives) or facility based.
ICL also advocated for laws and policies that support SRHR for young people such as the inclusion of Age Appropriate Comprehensive Sexuality Education (AACSE) in the school curriculum and review of the Adolescent Health Policy among others. Advocacy can change or improve policies and laws to ensure health services are adequately funded, welfare systems are improved, and access is increased to integrated HIV and SRH services.


  • Our Peer education offers field-tested methods for training youth to deliver health prevention messages.
  • The curriculum is an Evidence Based Intervention, approved by NASCOP and draws content from a wide range of educational resources based on the client’s needs.

USP: It incorporates age appropriate life skills components. The ICL peer education is fun, interactive, multimedia, and utilizes multiple methods of learning including: interactive lecture, small group discussions, testimonials, brainstorming role-playing and case studies Our clients: Students in institutions of higher learning (universities and colleges), adolescents in secondary schools, out of school youth, youth on holiday, among others.