
Local Organizations Institutional Strenthening Program

In the year 2012, Fanikisha, a project of MSH, RATN, PACT and DANYA with funding from USAID, supported 10 CSOs in strengthening their institutional capacities. As a result of the process, Local organizations in Kenya came together to form the Local Organizations Institutional Strengthening Network (LOISNET). LOISNET acts as a channel and ideal partner for both donor organizations and the government to support development processes in Kenya through shaping and providing development framework and strengthening local organizations.

Project Goal: To improve capacity of local CSOs to meaningfully engage communities and stakeholders in achieving improved service delivery.


  1. To strengthen institutional and organisational capacity of local CSOs
  2. To promote community participation in development programs
  3. Support the NGO coordination authority to achieve its mandate
  4. To educate and sensitize CSOs on institutional strengthening standards
  5. To promote functional networks and alliances of CSOs in their bid to improve lives
  6. To promote private sector participation in improving health and human development outcomes

Achievements: Developed a strategic plan for LOISNET

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