This is an advocacy intervention within Nairobi County that will see an inclusion of an NCD budget line in the fiscal year 2017/18. The advocacy specific activities are/were to gather evidence for NCDs in Nairobi on the budgeting status and disseminate the information through a fact sheet to key stakeholders. In addition, the intervention has mobilized civil society organizations and private sector in health to advocate for inclusion of the NCD budget line through a memo/communique to the county government. The project outcomes include an NCD budget line included in the 2017/18 budget, the county government establishes a task force that will see the progress of the advocacy work, the CSOs and Private sector partners in health participate in the task force as well as the budgeting process and push for the inclusion of an NCD budget line in various forums. ICL works with like-minded organizations who are C4C champions in Kenya to leverage on similar activities that target the same stakeholders.