
Stories of Change

Seal Impact Story.

I have always heard of a saying that goes by ‘Change is inevitable’ but less did I believe in this. Not until I came across a Non-Governmental Organization known as ‘I Choose Life Africa’ (ICL) that my perception of different situations and things changed abruptly. Sometime back I was just a common man who was only existing and watching many social malpractices being committed by those in power since I considered myself a powerless, voiceless, and an inferior being who could always remain vulnerable and a subject to those in power. I never thought that I had a crucial role to play when it came to leadership matters.

Jackson Musyoka Ndumbu


It all started during the two days training at Kangundo General Hospital. The training was so effective that I got to realize that am the change that the country has been waiting for and therefore I should be vibrant, vocal and shed off my inactive character. I learned that leadership and governance is a critical issue that is determined by me and the other citizens. Leaders should be carefully selected considering the various qualities we learned. Choosing the right leaders is also a way of taming corrupt which is a major social disorder that is bringing our country Kenya down to its knees. I also learned that it is my constitutional right to development and also came to see the importance of understanding the better. It came to my understanding that it is also my right to access any information and records on how the public funds have been disbursed and utilized. I learned some organizational skills that involved setting up of objectives, the importance of having a strategic plan as well being visionary. The leaders I elect remain questionable upon any case of mismanagement of public resources and funds since am the boss; the employer indeed. I also learnt about devolution and got to know how devolution has led to fair distribution of public resources and funds. This gave a reason to support devolution to the maximum. I also came to understand that it’s also my right to participate in budget making in my sub county as well as being involved in formulating a sub county strategic plans.

I have seen this special program being of great benefit to me and I am proud to say that I am a transformed individual equipped with knowledge and skills aimed at transforming my society and the entire country at large. With my renewed strength and confidence, am determined to be part and parcel of what goes on in my sub county hence the country at large. It’s also my obligation to enlighten my fellow Kangundo Sub county residents and mobilize them to follow suit. I am ready to spearhead the transformation agenda at whatever cost as long as am exercising my democratic right. My great dream is to live in a corruption free country, a country that is making progress and with the leaders rightfully exercising their power.